Monday, May 2, 2011

Day Seven of Twenty-One

Today is a busy, busy day. Woke up and went to work. I guess the world is thinking about the news of the death of Osama bin-Laden. I hope things will calm down for a bit.
At work, in four hours I walked more than 8000 steps. Can I count that as daily exercise or is that just extra on top of my 30 minutes of daily exercise? Hmmm.
I did come home and log the steps in my Wii. The Wii has a spot to log steps and even waist size among other things. I have yet to even look as my waist size. It just seems to be getting bigger instead of trimmer. I know, give it time. I did a 15 minute yoga routine and a basic body balance test. I am getting steadier.
I am watching my portion sizes. It's really hard to do when you love to cook and really enjoy the taste of food. This is a time when I wish Hubby and I weren't good cooks, lol! After my exercise I put on a pot of homemade chicken soup. I then had lunch of oatmeal with fruit. I hope I have time for a cup of tea!

Today is a long day because our younger son is playing in the Peel Honour Band Concert tonight. He has been at practices for a while now and tonight is the culmination of all the kid's efforts. It should be really great. Only thing is the concert ends at 10pm. Which means.... no sleep for me tonight. I don't even have time for a nap today as I have to leave to take him to his last rehearsal.

Time to go. Day eight tomorrow!

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