Thursday, April 9, 2009

Launch Day!!!!!

Thursdays on the Bench

I am back home now after, what has begun as a standing date with the neighbors. For the past 6 weeks we have been consumed with the “blog”. What started as how can I get a job and make some money but still keep my family intact? Through all the chatter and laughter I hear this voice. “My cousin has this really neat blog thing and was able to find employment from it.” Three puzzled heads turn to Cathy “what’s a blog”? Cathy tries to explain but in our usual way we talk over her and start having random conversation with each other. Every once and while through the laughter you can hear Cathy trying to get back on topic but for her to finish sentence is just about as impossible as we each go off on different tangents. For an untrained observer you would find this chaos overwhelming, but to us, it just another Thursday morning. It most resembles a fractured chaos, but for a well-trained eye you will see the pattern, the complete order of, US. Every one of our sentences is eventually completed every thought and feeling is explored. By the end of the morning you leave with a knowledge of being heard, accepted and unconditionally loved.

After a lot of back and forth we somehow come to the conclusion that we want a blog and of course the world want to hear what we have to say! We register an account, start playing with names, begin coming up with great ideas, we want links and pages and subjects. We go on and on and on. Then one of us comes to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, we should start small and work our way to the on and on and on.

So what you are seeing and reading today is just the beginning. Come and join us as we explore the past that makes us “US”. Share as we all live the present and dream with us as we all head into the future. We’ve saved you a spot on the bench.


  1. Just wanted to say I love your closing sentence .. "saving a spot on the bench" very prowriter of you .. CATCHY!!!

  2. Happy Launch Day Ladies
