Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Unexpected Day Off!

The little one and I arrived at school this morning at 7:30 AM (our usual time) only to find the principal and three VP's standing outside the school on their cell phones. I looked at the little one and said, "something is up and it doesn't look good". Sure enough it seems the school had no hydro due to the big thunderstorm we had last night. We had a storm? Guess I slept through it! The staff were in the midst of calling teachers, and student's homes to tell them school has been cancelled for the day. I had my blackberry with me (when do I not have my blackberry with me?) and quickly posted it on FB and then sent emails, texts and phone calls to all the staff, and students I have numbers for. I was also given a list to call, I think I woke up a few parents.

After the initial rush I remembered I was expecting a delivery from my food supplier today. Fortunately, he arrived at 8:00 AM and was kind enough to drive to my house (thank goodness I live close to the school) and we unloaded my order and put it in our home freezer. I then went back to school and unloaded the highly perishable food from the fridges (milk, cheese, meat, eggs) and brought all that home to put in our fridge. I heard after the 1997,9,8 Quebec Ice Storm that as long as you don't open your freezer, everything is good for up to 24 hours. I though it best to leave the freezer closed.

I got home, put all away and then made some phone calls. I was fortunate enough to get the little one in to see our Doctor for a refill of her Epi Pen prescription and then off to let her have a little pampering at the hair dressers. She very much needed her hair trimmed.

The teenager sent me a text asking me to pick up a few things for her and in my rush I locked my keys in the car. I called the husband but of course he didn't answer his phone, he NEVER does. He actually doesn't deserve a cell phone, but we will save that rant for another blog. The hairdresser offered to call CAA for me, but I figured by the time they came the little one and I could walked home. So that is just what we did, we walked home and laughed all the way. We stopped to examine a beetle, took some pictures on my phone of the changing colour leaves. Sang a song, told some jokes and had a good old time.

Over all it was a great day. Yes, I made no money today, but on the positive side nothing was lost food wise. I was fortunate enough to get personal stuff done that I had been putting off for some time now and had a few laughs at it.

I even talked to Sunshine today and understand she had the day off as well. What a blessing for the two of us!



  1. Sounds like a lovely day! However, I don't know how you slept through the storm! I guess I can understand as everyone in my household slept through it, too. I was awake at 2am and had to get up to close the windows. It was the lightning that struck me, (not litteraly!) As I closed the windows it was like being flashed in the eyes with a strobe light at point blank range. After getting back to bed I just waited for my alarm to go off at 5am. Then off to work I went.

  2. I drove Miss Teen Sunshine to shcool and was informed that school was closed due to the power outage. There were studens all over the steets, walking home. Miss Teen Sunshine, asked if she could come to my school with me and work in the Library. I said sure and then the phone rang and it was my boss saying that there was no power at my school, so no work for me, yay1!!!!! Well we were busy most of the day running around and doing some things that Miss Teen Sunshine wanted to get done. Little Miss Sunshine was upset that she was the only on going to school that day. She tryed to convince me that she was sick and should stay home. She has been a little bit stuffed up but off to school she went.
