Friday, September 17, 2010

Catch Up Fridays

(Carolin) Well, Well, Well, looks like our Cathy is busy again being back at work. Let's see what is there to Catch Up on. The second week at work is going well. I am very busy, and am looking into hiring a person to help out. I have been blessed with numerous catering jobs on top of the daily cafeteria. I received an email from a women's church group (not the church I attend) asking me to quote for a dinner of 30. I was reading over the specs. and they are having a guest speaker come from the States with her entourage. There is a long list of food requirements, including the number of salad dressings! Well, reading it my first thought is, "will, they ask for all green M & M's to be removed?" (Sunshine) I am so curious to know why they don't want the green M&M.s. (Cathy) You are kidding about the green M&M's..... aren't you??? Yes I am kidding about the M & M's but they do require a dark green leafy salad with a minimum of four dressing and two must be fat free.

My school has a Pd day today so I am off which worked out really well because Little Miss Sunshine's school has a Pd day as well. So today we are hanging out and cleaning and going out for lunch and relaxing. Mr Sunshine comes home tonight, finally! He has been gone now for almost 10 days and it has been hard without him because we all really miss him. Fall is in the air and the leaves are changing colours and I absolutely love it. This is my favourite time of year. Mine Too! Miss Teen Sunshine is working this weekend and it is hard for her to get in all the homework and work all weekend, so it is really teaching her how to budget her time and how hard it is earn some money of her own.

First week back to work, nothing changed. I wonder why we always think things will be somewhat different after a time away? They never are, are they? I did see kids about today and wondered if there was a PD day. Now with both boys in High School, PD days are a thing of the past. Their school does late start Wednesdays. Classes start at 10am instead of 8:30am. The time before class is the PD time for the staff. No one seems to like the late start. I think if all had a vote they would have picked early out Fridays, instead! So if I undrestand they have no PD days. Do they still have early release days. I remember the teenager having many of them in highschool.

I just found out today that the husband of one of my friends at work has died, too young. The funeral is on Monday and I will attend. I was googling about why funerals are so important and I found this easy to read link: Check it out as it makes a lot of sense.

I seem to be offering my condolences to good friends far too often these days. May God Bless you all and keep you in peace. Amen. Thats cause you are getting OLD!

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