(Sunshine) How is everyone doing? What a beautiful week we are having. The weather has been great and it really feels like summer. I wish that we could all be off work and enjoy life all year round without all the hustle and bustle and schedules and responsibilities. I am on total vacation mode.
I am looking forward to seeing,"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: part 2," today. In a way, I almost don't want to see it because the end has arrived and there is nothing else to look forward to in the series but I suppose that everything has to come to an end sooner or later. I know some people who have seen it and they said that it is spectacular! (Carolin) I was never much of a Potter fan, I did see the first one but haven't seen any of the others. I think a lot of the success of the movies is attributed to the wise contract negotiating of the producers. Having the same actors star in all movies makes a huge difference. You feel like they are part of your circle and you have watched them grow up. Very Smart. (Cathy) I have yet to see part one. I am looking forward to seeing both parts soon.
Carolin, what am I suppose to do with this friendship bread starter? Cathy, I have your starter at my house too. (Cathy)(oops!) I will get it this week. Will I see you guys at my house this week. Let me know what day is good. (Carolin) July 16th is day 5, add what the instructions tell you for day five. Do the same for Cathy's as well. I made the chocolate cake version on Wednesday and it is really good.
Yesterday, I had two of the girls over from work and one of them also brought her kids over for a swim and some light lunch. It was so beautiful outside and it was a nice day because Miss Teen Sunshine was also off for a change. She made some really good pizza and probably the best apple pie that I have ever tasted. The apple pie recipe is one that Carolin gave me of course. (Cathy)I need that crust recipe!
The rest of the week was soccer, driving Miss Teen Sunshine to and from work, (I think that I filled up with gas three times this week), taking my dad to the cardiologist and spending the day with him and seeing a few friends along the way. All in all not a bad week. The only down side is that Mr Sunshine was away all week but he got home safe and sound Friday morning and we have him for the weekend.
(Cathy)I know what you mean about driving and the gas. I have been the "mom taxi" for two weeks straight, back and forth at least four times a day, not including work. Things will settle down a bit for the next two weeks. The younger One passed his assistant swim instructor course, yeah, so that's one less trip. The older one starts his in class driver's ed. Thankfully it's at the same school and at the same basic times as the younger one's summer school course... two for one!!! Yeah!
(Carolin) A while ago Sunshine talked about her knee hurting and the doctor saying she has a bit of arthritis. Well not long after that my left knee started to bother me, but I figured it was sympathy pains for Sunshine. After a few months I did mention it to my Doctor who said it was arthritis. Well, it bothers me on and off and some days just the thought of stairs is enough to make me look for another option. This past Wednesday I went to sit down on the couch and didn't think and bent my leg to sit on it. I was able to sit all the way when I felt three pops in the muscle behind my knee. I was in major pain all the night, I could hardly walk and was popping Advil every four hours. I went to the chiropractors clinic on Thursday and they did some funky things. The knee is feeling a little better but still stairs are a problem. The physio guy said it was something to do with my knee cap. I go again today for more physio and hopefully it gets better. I am planning to go away next week for a couple of weeks but at this time I am taking it one day at a time. It is such a drag. (Cathy) I think this age thing has got to change. My back still hurts and I am determined to strengthen it so it does not become chronic! I hope your knee gets better real soon and becomes a thing of your past!
As I mentioned above, my week just consists of work and mom taxi. I am beat! I am really looking forward to the next two weeks and I really hope to see you ladies!!!!!
I just finished watering the grass before it dies. I am not complaining about this weather and we do not have the air conditioning on. I refuse to lock up the house after a long cold winter! I love this open window weather. If it's too hot to sleep upstairs, we sleep downstairs. I don't have mine on either. It is hot at night but the AC doesn't make a big difference on the top floor anyway. I am NOT sleeping in the basement, gross!!!
I did manage to buy some new curtains and rods for the living room and our master bedroom. I hope Hubby will put up the brackets this Sunday for me. I managed to buy everything, off the shelf, and not order custom, (my usual way) I think it will look very nice and we will enjoy the extra money. (to pay for gas for the mom taxi!!!!!)
Thank you Lord, for a really nice week!!!
p.s. (Cathy) I have no idea what happened to the colour! I have tried to edit this three times now and it's not working. I have been having trouble with my laptop. I hope it's nothing serious! I fixed it, why you ask, cause I CAN!
Yeah! Thanks, Carolin, for fixing the colour!
ReplyDeleteYou have a nice basement, or should I say, family room. Just think about how cool it would be at night!!!!!